A Special Area of Conservation (SAC) is defined in the European Union's Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), also known as the Directive on the Conservation of Natural Habitats and of Wild Fauna and Flora. They are to protect the 220 habitats and approximately 1000 species listed in annex I and II of the directive which are considered to be of European interest following criteria given in the directive. They must be chosen from the Sites of Community Importance by the State Members and designated SAC by an act assuring the conservation measures of the natural habitat.
predicate, which assigns an entity to one or more parental classes. RCs within the KKO graph may be equivalent (owl:equivalentClass
), a parent super class (kko:superClassOf
), a child sub class (rdfs:subClassOf
), or a closely related concept (kko:isCloselyRelated
). These relationships define the edges between the nodes in the graph structure, and are also the basis for logical inferencing.
Sub-Classes |
Super-Classes | |||||||
Equivalent Classes |
Same As |
Is Related To |
concept has these mappings to external knowledge graphs: ... more
Sub-Classes |
Super-Classes | |
Equivalent Classes |
Same As |
Is Related To |
concept is a member of these typologies: ... more
Living Things
over Plants
, Animals
, etc.) that are used mostly for organizational purposes. The core typologies are the key ones to focus upon for distinguishing large groupings of entities.
property. This property is the inverse of the rdfs:subClassOf
property. This property is the inverse of the kko:superClassOf
This is a leaf (terminal) node within the KBpedia ontology; there are no further narrower concepts.