Export Structured Data

Export the entity record in a variety of formats ... more

The structured data for KBpedia's knowledge base entities may be exported in the formats of JavaScript object notation (JSON), Resource Description Framework in XML format (RDF+XML), RDF in Notation 3 format (RDF+N3), or Extensible Data Notation (EDN, a Clojure format). Other formats may be implemented depending on demand.


KBpedia Types

The current entity has one of these types: ... more

Types are classes of similar entities, as determined mostly by shared attributes. Most of the nodes (or reference concepts or RCs) within the KBpedia Knowledge Ontology (KKO) are types. Types thus provide important entry points into the KKO knowledge graph. Types, due to their structural relationship with other types and concepts, may be used to infer more facts about the entity, or to place the entity into context with respect to the overall knowledge graph. More than 33,000 types presently exist within the KKO graph, organized into about 30 broad typologies.


KBpedia Aspects

The current entity has one of these aspects: ... more

Aspects are related characterizations of entities that help provide additional context for the item. Aspects help to situate the entity within location, time, or any of the other 80 standard aspects. Unlike types, which define what kind of thing or class the entity is, aspects help to group related entities by situation, and not by identity nor definition. Aspects thus provide a secondary means for organizing entities independent of their nature, but helpful for placing the entity in real-world contexts.


Entity's Structured Data

The current entity has this structured data: ... more

All of the entities within KBpedia are characterized by structured data. Structured data includes the attributes, labels and descriptors for the entity. Collectively, these are known as properties. Depending on the entity, there may be many items in this structured data characterization. Primary sources for the structured data include DBpedia, Wikipedia, and Wikidata. Nearly 5000 properties are presently mapped to KBpedia, though, of course, only a minor portion apply to any given entity. The Wikidata properties are noted by the 'P' prefix; mouse over the label to see a text explanation of the property. All non-Wikidata properties have standard labels.